Bridal Bouquet


Inspired by natural movement, Spring Wind Farm will professionally design the bouquet of your dreams wrapped in a neutral silk ribbon. The process starts by selecting flowers grown right on our farm by the color palette selected. Bouquets are made with what flowers are in the prime of their life in the week of your event. These are then artfully designed into a piece befitting you to hold on one of the most beautiful days of your life.

Available yearly between May 1 - Oct 15.

Please choose from one of our three color palettes below.

Flowers choices are limited to what is best the week of pick up and are decided by the farmers. We need at least 2 week lead time from time of ordering for this service.

Your bouquet(s) will be packed for transport in the farm stand at the time and date arranged for pick up.

Upon ordering please complete the form attached, you will receive an order confirmation and we will email 1-2 weeks before your pick up date to re-confirm your order.

We do not make exact replicas. The photos you see are examples of our designs to give you an idea of the size and style of our work.

Still have questions? Please review our FAQ page

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Inspired by natural movement, Spring Wind Farm will professionally design the bouquet of your dreams wrapped in a neutral silk ribbon. The process starts by selecting flowers grown right on our farm by the color palette selected. Bouquets are made with what flowers are in the prime of their life in the week of your event. These are then artfully designed into a piece befitting you to hold on one of the most beautiful days of your life.

Available yearly between May 1 - Oct 15.

Please choose from one of our three color palettes below.

Flowers choices are limited to what is best the week of pick up and are decided by the farmers. We need at least 2 week lead time from time of ordering for this service.

Your bouquet(s) will be packed for transport in the farm stand at the time and date arranged for pick up.

Upon ordering please complete the form attached, you will receive an order confirmation and we will email 1-2 weeks before your pick up date to re-confirm your order.

We do not make exact replicas. The photos you see are examples of our designs to give you an idea of the size and style of our work.

Still have questions? Please review our FAQ page

Inspired by natural movement, Spring Wind Farm will professionally design the bouquet of your dreams wrapped in a neutral silk ribbon. The process starts by selecting flowers grown right on our farm by the color palette selected. Bouquets are made with what flowers are in the prime of their life in the week of your event. These are then artfully designed into a piece befitting you to hold on one of the most beautiful days of your life.

Available yearly between May 1 - Oct 15.

Please choose from one of our three color palettes below.

Flowers choices are limited to what is best the week of pick up and are decided by the farmers. We need at least 2 week lead time from time of ordering for this service.

Your bouquet(s) will be packed for transport in the farm stand at the time and date arranged for pick up.

Upon ordering please complete the form attached, you will receive an order confirmation and we will email 1-2 weeks before your pick up date to re-confirm your order.

We do not make exact replicas. The photos you see are examples of our designs to give you an idea of the size and style of our work.

Still have questions? Please review our FAQ page

We’d love to be a part of your big day, in order to insure we are able to complete your request please place your order no later than 3 weeks in advance of the event date. Perhaps you need something a little sooner, make sure that you email us to confirm your order and what if any accommodations need to be made! We look forward to hearing from you!

Bridesmaid Bouquet
Hair Accessories
from $45.00
Centerpiece Jar Arrangements